Suggested reading for an English-language MA-course ‘Microhistory’
(by Arnfinn Kjelland, Volda University College, June 2009)

Ago, Renata 2004: From the Archives to the Library and back: Culture and Microhistory. Castrén, Anna-Maija m.fl. (ed.): Between Sociology and History. Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and Nation-building. Studia Historica 70, Helsinki: 41–49.

Amoto, Joseph A. 2002: Rethinking Home. A Case for Writing Local History. University of California Press

Appel, Hans Henrik 2000: A microhistorical perspektive. Egholm, Liv og Lene Wul (ed.): Microhistory – Towards a new Theory of History?. Papers fra seminaret d. 13. November 1999 på Syddansk Universitet Odense. Netværk for historieteori & historiografi. Arbejdspapirer nr. 3. April 2000.

Burke, Peter 2001: The Microhistory Debate. Burke, Peter (ed.): New Perspectives on Historical Writing. 2. utg. 2001: 115–117.

Burke, Peter 2005: History and Social Theory, 2. edition. Polity Press

Castrén, Anna-Maija m.fl. (red.) 2004: Between Sociology and History. Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and Nation-building. Studia Historica 70, Helsinki.

Cerutti, Simona 2004: Microhistory: Social Relations versus Cultural Models? Castrén, Anna-Maija m.fl. (eds.): Between Sociology and History. Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and Nation-building. Studia Historica 70, Helsinki: 17–40.

Christiansen, Palle Ove 1996: A Manorial World. Lords, Peasants and Cultural Distinctions on a Danish Estate 1750–1980. Universitetsforlaget.

Darnton, Robert 1984: The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History. Basic Book, Inc., Publishers.

Darnton, Robert 1986: The symbolic element in history. Journal of Modern History 58 (1) (1986): 218–234.

Egholm, Liv 2000: The microhistorical landscape. Egholm, Liv og Lene Wul (ed.): Microhistory – Towards a new Theory of History?. Papers fra seminaret d. 13. November 1999 på Syddansk Universitet Odense. Netværk for historieteori & historiografi. Arbejdspapirer nr. 3. April 2000.

Gaunt, David: Building Macro-theories from the bottom up: the case of Ecosystems in historical reseach. Studier i historisk metode 14. Makrohistorie. Universitetsforlaget: 85–101.

Ginzburg, Carlo 1980: The cheese and the worms. The cosmos of a sixteenth-century miller. London : Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Ginzburg, Carlo and Carlo Poni 1991 (1979): The Name and the Game: Unequal Exchange and the Historiographic Marketplace. Muir, Edward and Guido Ruggiero (ed.): Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London: 1–10.

Iggers, Georg G. 1997 / 2005: Historiography in the Twentieth Century. From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge. Wesleyan University Press.

Langen, Ulrik 2000: Microhistory – a preface. Egholm, Liv og Lene Wul (ed.): Microhistory

– Towards a new Theory of History?. Papers fra seminaret d. 13. November 1999 på Syddansk Universitet Odense. Netværk for historieteori & historiografi. Arbejdspapirer nr. 3. April 2000.

Langholm, Sivert 1976: On the Scope of Micro-History. Scandinavian Journal of History vol.

1: 3–24.

Levi, Giovanni 1991: On Microhistory. Burke, Peter (ed.): New Perspectives on Historical Writing. 2. utg. 2001: 97–115 (119)

Lüdtke, Alf 1995: Introduction. What is the history of everyday life and who are its practioners? Ludtke, Alf (ed.): History of everyday life: Reconstruction Historical Experience and Ways of Life. Ewing, Princeton University Press: 3–40.

Macfarlane, Alan 1977: History, anthropology av the study of communities. Social History vol. 5: 631–652,

Magnusson, Sigurður Gylfi 2003: The Singularization of History. Social History and Microhistory within the Postmodern State of Knowledge. Journal of Social History 36: 701–735, her etter Burns, Robert M. 2006 (ed.): Historiography. Critical Concepts in Historical Studies. Volume IV Culture. Routledge, Lodon and New York: 222–260.

Magnusson, Sigurður Gylfi 2006a: Social History as «sites of memory»? The Institutionalization of History: Microhistory and the Grand Narrative. Journal of Socail History: 891–913

Magnusson, Sigurður Gylfi 2006b: Social History – Cultural History – Alltagsgeschichte – Microhistory: In-Between Methodologies and Conceptual Frameworks. Journal of Microhistory 09.06.2006

Martin, John 1991: Journeys to the world of the dead. The work of Carlo Ginsburg. Journal of Social History 25: 613–626, her etter Burns, Robert M. 2006 (ed.): Historiography. Critical Concepts in Historical Studies. Volume IV Culture. Routledge, Lodon and New York: 207–221.

Medick, Hans 1995: «Missionaries in the rowboat?». Ethnological ways of knowing as a challenge to social history. Ludtke, Alf (ed.): History of everyday life: Reconstruction Historical Experience and Ways of Life. Ewing, Princeton University Press: 41–71.

Medick, Hans 2001: Weaving and Surviving in Laichingen, 1650–1900. Micro-History as History and as Research Experience. In James C. Scott and Nina Bhatt: Agrarian Studies. Synthetic work at the cutting edge. Yale University press, New Haven and London: 283–296

Muir, Edward 1991: introduction: Observing Trifles. Muir, Edward and Guido Ruggiero (ed.): Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London.

Muir, Edward and Guido Ruggiero (ed.) 1991: Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London.

Niemi, Einar 1989: Norsk lokalhistorie på 1970- og 80-tallet – Paradigmeskifte eller kontinuitet?. Heimen nr 4: 195–204.

Peltonen, Matti 2004: After the Linguistic Turn? Hayden White’s Tropology and History Theory in the 1990s. Castrén, Anna-Maija m.fl. (red.) 2004: Between Sociology and History. Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and Nation-building. Studia Historica 70, Helsinki: 87–101.

Pomata, Gianna 2000: Telling the truth about micro-history: a memoir (and a few reflections). Egholm, Liv og Lene Wul (ed.): Microhistory – Towards a new Theory of History?. Papers fra seminaret d. 13. November 1999 på Syddansk Universitet Odense. Netværk for historieteori & historiografi. Arbejdspapirer nr. 3. April 2000.

Sabean, David Warren 1984: Power in the Blood: Popular Culture and Village Discourse in Early Modern Germany. Cambridge University Press.

Sabean, David Warren 1990: Property, production, and family in Neckarhausen, 1700–1870. Cambridge University Press.

Sabean, David Warren 1998: Kinship in Neckarhausen, 1700–1870. Cambridge University Press.

Sabean, David Warren, Simon Teuscher, Jon Mathieu 2007: Kinship in Europe. Approaches to Long-Time Development (1300–1900). Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford.

Sharpe, Jim 2001: History from Below. Burke, Peter (ed.): New Perspectives on Historical Writing. Secton edition. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK.

Stone, Lawrence: The Revival of Narrative: Reflections on a New Old History. Past and Present 85: 3–24.

Szijártó, István 2002: Four Arguments for Microhistory. Rethinking History 6:2: 209–215.

Wul, Lene 2000: Microhistory in practice – a reply to Hans Henrik Appel. Egholm, Liv og Lene Wul (ed.): Microhistory – Towards a new Theory of History?. Papers fra seminaret d. 13. November 1999 på Syddansk Universitet Odense. Netværk for historieteori & historiografi. Arbejdspapirer nr. 3. April 2000.

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