

Dagmar Freist is professor of early modern history at the Carl von Ossietzky-University Oldenburg since 2004. She did her PhD at Cambridge University, and she was a research fellow at the German Historical Institute, London. Her research focuses on political culture, public opinion, religious diversity, the early modern self, practice theory, and global microhistory. She is co-speaker of the DFG research training group “Self-Making. Practices of Subjectivation in interdisciplinary and historical perspective”, head of the research project “The everyday experience of the world. The Prize Papers as Product and Testimony of Global Interlacing Processes in the Early Modern World” (www.prizepapers.de), head of the cooperation project “Freiheitsraum Reformation” (www.freiheitsraumreformation.de), and head of the “ArbeitsstelleMikrohistorie”. She is a member of the advisory board of the German Historical Institut, London, and of the “Historical Commission of Lower Saxony and Bremen”. She is also a member of the Präsidium of the “Deutsche EvangelischeKirchentag”. (https://www.kirchentag.de/ueber_uns/organisation/praesidium.html). Among her most recent publications are: Freist, Dagmar, ‚Historische Praxeologie als Mikro-Historie’, in: Arndt Brendecke, (Ed.), Praktiken der Neuzeit. Akteure-Handlungen-Artefakte, Weimar/Köln/Wien 2015, 62-77; Materielle Praktiken – Einführung, in: Praktiken der Neuzeit, 267-74; (Ed.), Diskurse – Körper – Artefakte. Historische Praxeologie in der Frühneuzeitforschung, Bielefeld: 2014(Reihe Praktiken der Subjektivierung); BetweenConscienceandCoercion: Mixed Marriages, Church, Secular Authority, and Family, in: Mary Lindemann, David Luebke (ed.), Mixed Matches: Transgressive Unions in Early Modern Germany, New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books 2014, 185-212; Lost in time and space? Glocalmemoryscapes in the early modern world, in: Memory before modernity. Practices of memory in early modern Europe, ed. Erika Kuijpers, Judith Pollmann, Johannes Müller and Jasper van der Steen, Brill Publishers: Leiden 2013, 203-221


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