István M. Szijártó: Experience, agency, responsability. The lessons of Russia’s microhistory

István M. Szijártó: Tapasztalatok, cselekvő egyének, felelősség. Oroszország mikrotörténelmének tanulságai [Experience, agency, responsability. The lessons of Russia’s microhistory] Keszthely: Balaton Akadémia Kiadó, 2011. pp. 97. In Hungarian. This book seeks to answer the question why microhistory is good history by analyzing a few recent works on Russia’s history. While examining Read more…

Simona Cerutti: Étrangers: Étude d’une condition d’incertitude dans une société d’Ancien Régime.

Simona Cerutti: Étrangers: Étude d’une condition d’incertitude dans une société d’Ancien Régime. Bayard, 2012. 301 pages In this book, Simona Cerutti challenges common assumptions about “the Other” and “Othering”. She sees as overly influencing European historiography during the last several decades. She begins with a sharp critique of their conceptual Read more…

Magnússon, Sigurður Gylfi – Szijártó, M. István: What is microhistory? Theory and practice.

Magnússon, Sigurður Gylfi – Szijártó, M. István: What is microhistory? Theory and practice. Routledge,  2013. 184 pages This unique and detailed analysis provides the first accessible and comprehensive introduction to the origins, development, methodology of microhistory – one of the most significant innovations in historical scholarship to have emerged in Read more…

Suggested curriculum

Suggested curriculum of a joint international English-langauge MA programme ’Microhistory’ Module 1: Introduction Course 1/1: The historiography of microhistory Course 1/2 : Theories and approaches of microhistory and of relevant related academic fields Module 2: Marginals, race, ethnicity and gender Course 2/1: Microhistory ’of the lost peoples of Europe’ – Read more…


Created by a group of historians, Contesti (“Contexts”) is an attempt to better understand social complexity through the analysis of the oft-hidden relationships and exchanges among people, social groups and institutions. In order to address our aim, the journal aims to reconstitute contextual analyses as defined through explicit and implicit Read more…