Personal involvement

1.  Have you personally taught Microhistory at university level? What kind of courses they were? What was the students’ response to this course or these courses?

2.  These courses formed parts of what module or unit of education? Were they compulsory or optional for students?

3.  In which languages have you taught these courses?

4.  Do you think that there is interest from the part of students in being enrolled in an MA in Microhistory in English?

5.  Do you personally intend to take part in teaching a joint international MA in Microhistory in English?

6.  Have you got colleagues who would take part in teaching in a joint international MA in Microhistory? Who are they? Have they explicitely declared their willingness or you just suppose that they might participate?


Institutional involvement

7.  Would your university be interested in taking part in such a venture? (Please on this point base your reply on the responsible declaration of the relevant office or officer of your university. Eötvös University, for example, have a Vice-Rector for International Affairs.)

8.  If your university’s attitude to such a programme is not outright negative, what framework would be acceptable for it? Does your university insist on giving an MA degree itself? Would it consider teaching courses that are part of an MA accredited elsewhere? Would it be part of the difficult process of the accreditation of a joint degree?

9.  Does your university run English-language BA or MA or PhD programmes in History? Is there a chance that Microhistory be integrated into such a programme instead of establishing a full-fledged MA specially for Microhistory?

10.   If your university is willing to try to embark on the accreditation of a joint MA degree or its own MA degree in Microhistory, what are the prerequisites of such a procedure in your country? Approximately how much time does it need?


Contents and formalities

11.   If your university would teach courses of an MA accredited by another university or courses of a joint international MA, what tuition fees does it expect to receive?

12.   Are there any examples of a joint BA or MA programme at your university? What is its institutional framework look like?

13.   What makes an MA in your system of education? How many semester of teaching, how many courses and credits, how many seminars and lectures, and how is the writing of the thesis integrated into the studies? Which are the rules followed in giving marks to students?

14.   Does your institution has experience in or established practices as for building online courses into its curricula? Do you personally think that such courses might make a part of a joint international MA in Microhistory?

15.   According to you, which courses should form parts of a joint international MA in Microhistory? Which subject areas should not be omitted from the curriculum?

16.   Are you personally willing to teach any of these courses? Which one? And have you got colleagues in your university who are willing to teach any?

17.   If so, would you teach an online course? Have you got experience in that? Is your institution technically prepared to make this possible?

18.   Could you be personally involved in teaching a course (for example an online course or an intensive course, as a guest lecturer or in any other way) even if your institution abstains from this future cooperation?

19.   Which are the courses that your institution would be willing to take the responsibility for?

20.   How such a curriculum should be put together from the point of view of the students? Should they travel from one participating institution to the other spending each semester in a different country? Or should they stay at their degree-giving mother university and leave for other participating institutions for intensive courses? Maybe instead of travelling, the widespread use of online courses should be advocated? Should travelling to other institutions for a semester be offered to students as optional?



21.   Which are the financial schemes applied to student and teacher mobility in your institution? Can we use it for the purposes of running an joint MA in Microhistory?

22.    Please add your comment which you would like to make but have not yet had the chance to do so.

Categories: workouts