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Andrew Stuart Bergerson – Leonard Schmieding et al: Ruptures in the Everyday: Views of Modern Germany from the Ground. Berghahn, 2017. 

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Soledad Fox has published her biography of Semprún in English: Jorge Semprún: The Spaniard who Survived the Nazis and Conquered Paris. Sussex Academic Press, 2017. For Spanish and Frech editions see: Ida y vuelta: la vida de Jorge Semprún. Debate, Penguin Random House. 2016. Spain and Latin America and Jorge Semprún: L’écriture et la vie. Paris: Flammarion, Grandes Biographies, 2017. (The US edition is forthcoming: Biography of Jorge Semprún. Arcade. Forthcoming, 2018.)

Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, “Microhistory, Biography and Ego-documents in Historical Writing”. Revue d’Histoire Nordique 20 (2016), pp. 133–153.

István M. Szijártó: The capacities of microhistory. In: Vilmos Erős – Róbert Káli – László Dávid Törő – Máté Kavecsánszki (eds.): Approaches to historiography. Debrecen, 2016. 191–197.

Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, “The Life is Never Over: Biography as a Microhistorical Approach”. In The Biographical Turn: Lives in History. Hans Renders, Binne de Haan and Jonne Harmsma (eds.) (London: Routledge, 2016), pp. 42–52.

Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, “The Love Game as Expressed in Ego-Documents: The Culture of Emotions in Late Nineteenth Century Iceland”. Journal of Social History 50: 1 (2016), pp. 102–119.

Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, “Views into the Fragments: An Approach from a Microhistorical Perspective”. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 20 (2016), pp. 182–206.

Olivia Odero, Caroline Nfon-Kamga, Marsha R. Robinson, and Aisa Softic, “Cracks in the Glass Ceiling: Gender and the Humanity Revolution against Old Fashioned International Relations Theory and Practice,” Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations XVII, no. 1 & 2 (2015/2016): 123-135.

Sigrun Alba Sigurðardóttir: Apertures of another understanding. Photographs of children at work. Monument and Memory. Edited by Jonna Bornemark, Mattias Martinson og Jayne Svenungsson. Zürich og Münster: LIT Verlag, 2015, p. 127-143.

Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, “Tales of the Unexpected: The ‘Textual Environment’, Ego-Documents and a Nineteenth- Century Icelandic Love Story – An Approach in Microhistory”. Cultural and Social History 12:1 (2015), pp. 77–94.

Hans Medick: “Pathos der Nähe” und digitale Edition: Das Editionsportal “Mitteldeutsche Selbstzeugnisse der Zeit des Dreissigjährigen Krieges” (MDSZ) als Erkenntnisinstrument. In: Dorothee Hochstetter – Alexander Kranz (Hg.): Militärgeschichtliche Editionen heute. Neue Anforderungen, alte Probleme? ZMSBw, Potsdam, 2014. 137-153.

András Vári – Judit Pál – Stefan Brakensiek: Herrschaft an der Grenze. Mikrogeschichte der Macht im östlichen Ungarn im 18. Jahrhundert. Böhlau Verlag: Köln–Weimar–Wien, 2014. (Adelswelten 2.)

Anne Pettersen Rodda: Trespassing in Time. Family History as Microhistory. Published by the author. Charleston, 2014.

Kristján Mímisson – Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon: “Singularizing the Past: The History and Archaeology of the Small and Ordinary”. Journal of Social Archaeology 14:2 (2014), pp. 131–156.

Mikkel Vendborg Pedresen: Luksus. Forbrug og kolonier i Danmark i det 18. århundrede (Luxury, Colonies and Consumption in Early Modern Denmark). Museum Tusculanum Press, 2013.

Hans Medick—Benjamin Marschke: Experiencing the Thirty Years War. A Brief History with Documents. Boston—New York, 2013. (Bedford Cultural Editions)

Magnússon, Sigurður Gylfi – Szijártó, M. István: What is microhistory? Theory and practice. Routledge: London—New York, 2013.

Claudia Ulbrich – Hans Medick – Angelika Schaser (Hg.): Selbstzeugnis und Person. Transkulturelle Perspektiven. Böhlau: Köln – Weimar – Wien, 2012.

Simona Cerutti: Étrangers: Étude d’une condition d’incertitude dans une société d’Ancien Régime. Bayard, 2012.

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