Daniele Andreozzi is Professor of Economic History at the University of Trieste where currently he teaches Global Economic History and Economic History of Europe. His research interests focus on growth and crisis in the economic systems, the cities of north-central Italy and their territories focusing on the relationships between the social and economic changes, the institutional evolution and the social movements in early modern,  the relationship between the trade mechanisms, the social practices, the norms and the institutions and between economic system, identities, memories and borders and the social and economic exchanges and the circulation of goods and men in the Mediterranean area. He widely published on this topic. His publications included  Nascita di un disordine. Una famiglia signorile e una valle piacentina tra XV e XVI secolo, Edizioni Unicopli, Milano 1993, Respectabilité et confiance au travers de la norme et de la fraude. Le cas de Trieste au XVIIIe siècle, in “Rives Mèditerranéennes”, 49, 2014, pp. 81 – 98; La gloria di un dilatato commercio». L’intrico delle politiche e lo sviluppo di Trieste nell’Adriatico centro settentrionale (1700-1730), in “Melanges de l’Ecole franÇaise de Rome», 127 (1), 2015, pp. 2 – 18; 2017; The «Barbican of Europe». The Plague of Split and the Strategy of Defence in the Adriatic Area between the Venetian Territories and the Ottoman Empire (Eighteenth Century), “Popolazione e Storia”, 16, n.2 (2015), pp. 115 – 137; «Ne pas celui de la Nation». Moralità, norme, interessi e commerci tra Trieste, il mare e gli spazi mercantili (XVIII secolo), Storia economica, XIX, 2016, 2, pp. 403 – 431, “Segmented trade”. Merchants, mercantile practices and mercantilism between Trieste, the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the XVIII century in Mediterranea. Ricerche storiche, 44, 2018, pp. 567-586 and “Non desiderate da’ Turchi”. Talleri di Maria Teresa, finanzieri e mercanti lungo le rotte del Levante (XVIII secolo), in Magallanica. Revista de Historia moderna, 5/9, 2018. Also he is edited Mediterranean doubts: Trading Companies, Conflicts and Strategies in the Global Spaces (XV- XIX Centuries), Palermo, 2017; Attraverso i conflitti. Neutralità e commercio fra età moderna ed età contemporanea, EUT, Trieste 2017 and with Luca Mocarelli, The empress cities: urban centres, societies and economies in the age of Maria Theresia von Habsburg, EUT, Trieste 2017. About the micro-history he edited Quantità/Qualità: la storia tra sguardi micro e generalizzazioni, New Digital Press, Palermo 2017.